Title: The blanket, a story of small (fabric) gifts
Author: Isabel Minhos Martin (text) and Yara Kono (illustration)
Publishing house: Notari
In “small-panel” books, generally, each pane tells a piece of story. In this book, which is not a comic strip or anything similar, each small square (of fabric) also has a story to tell. A family story, an anecdote concerning one or the other member of the tribe, in a more or less distant time in the past. There is a blanket made up of cross-sections, a grandmother with a good memory and many grandchildren with keen hearing. At night, when going to bed, no need for books: all it takes is for the grandmother to look at the cover and all the characters and plots that live there, for the session to begin...
Published on November 5, 2012 • 24 pages • hard cover.